This article examines the understanding of academician J.M. Abdildin's dialectical-logical principles and methodology of theoretical knowledge in dialectical logic. In the history of Kazakh philosophy, J.M. Abdildin for the first time deeply investigated the principles of dialectical logic, the methodology of theoretical knowledge, revealed the internal contradictions and definitions of the concept of essence, the key to uncovering the understanding of the subject of dialectical logic is the unity of dialectics, logic and the theory of knowledge. The problem of the contradiction of thinking, concepts in dialectical logic is closely connected with the problem of objectivity of cognition of reality, its spiritual - theoretical comprehension. J.M.Abdildin emphasizes the most important moment of any theory - the choice of the subject area, the identification of the beginning of thinking, the substantiation of the universal principle, the identification of the dialectical connection of the essence, the unity of the individual, the particular and the universal.
Key words: dialectical logic, philosophical ideas, formal logic, theory, logical categories, form, universality, substantive definitions.