This article intends to investigate this issue objectively and honestly without bias from the comparative viewpoint between Islam and Christianity. The methodology of the article is to have a comparative analysis of the concept of salvation in both Islam and Christianity by presenting the similarities and differences. This article utilises passages from the Qur’an and the Gospel as primary sources, which will be complemented with journal articles as a secondary source. The first section looks at the terminology of ‘salvation’ within Islam and Christianity from the viewpoints of sin, repentance and forgiveness, as salvation in both Christianity and Islam means saving from the consequences of sin, and in both religions this involves repentance by humans and forgiveness by God. The second part of this article will examine how Muslims and Christians view Jesus in relation to salvation. This is tied to salvation because the death and resurrection of Jesus is how Christians believe salvation has been accomplished. The final section of this article analyses the God doctrine of Christianity and the God concept of Islam from the comparative perspective with regards to the topic of salvation. This comparative analysis will be important in highlighting the similarities between the two Abrahamic faiths, and that such commonalities can be used as a basis for respect and peaceful co-existence between Christians and Muslims.
Key words: Salvation, Islam, Christianity, the Koran, the Bible, God, Jesus.