The article considers the main definitions of myth and identifies their most common characteristics, which made it possible to evaluate the main methodological approaches and concepts in Kazakh mythology. The synthesis of philosophical and literary approaches allows us to see many facets of the concepts under consideration and identify opportunities for their applications. The research carried out makes it possible to combine literary and philosophical views on this problem, since mythology is an indissoluble synthetic unity and is focused on fundamental metaphysical problems: birth, death, fate.
Mythology is able to convey the incomprehensible through the more understandable. In myths, it is relatively easy to identify different structures due to their conservatism. Mythological consciousness, which has been formed since ancient times, is today an important part of spiritual culture. Since the myths of the peoples of the world have become the main object of research and historical-comparative study, it was found that myths also have different social stages, historical levels, types and thematic consciousness.
Key words: myth, philosophy, religion, folklore, mythological consciousness, worldview, space, time
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