Requirements for manuscript formatting

Requirements for manuscript formatting:

  • The volume of an article is 12-14 pages of A4 format, font 14 - Times New Roman, spacing - single, margins - usual (paragraph indent – 1 сm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm, top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm).
  • Graphs, figures, diagrams, tables have to presented directly in the text with numbering and headings (For example Table 1 - Table name).
  • The title of an article should be informative, the UDC (Universal Decimal Classification), Keywords, Introduction,  Bibliography, Transliteration.
  • The article must have a structure that includes: Introduction, Research methodology, main part with Titles, Conclusion.

Rules of Article Formatting

  • On the first line on the left, the UDC is indicated in bold
  • Below, single-spaced in the center, in bold capital letters, the name of the article is given
  • Below, through a single space in the language of the article, an Abstractwith Keywords is given (12 point size)
  • Below, through a single interval, follows the Introduction
  • The main part of the article has to be structured. Subsections are separated from each other by a single space. Each subsection has to have a Title
  • After the main part, with a single interval, a Conclusions given
  • Then, with a single space bold Bibliography and Transliteration  The literature is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1.-2003 ( "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compilation.", Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification ( Minutes No. 12 dated July 2, 2003)
  • Transliteration is carried out through 
  • After an interval Transliteration are Abstract and Keywords in Kazakh and English if the article is written in Russian, and in Russian and English if the article is written in the Kazakh language.
  • Authors of articles that have received approval for publication must pay for publication with an approved price list for publication in IPhPSRS scientific journals, as well as payment for registration of authors of articles in the CrossRef database. According to the approved price list: 10,000 tenge – for publishing an article in the journal, 2,000 tenge – for assigning a DOI to an article and 2,000 tenge - for registering each author of the article in the CrossRef database.  A receipt confirming payment for publication in pdf format is sent by the author to the e-mail address of the editorial office of the journal.