ABOUT PHILOSOPHICAL AND IDEOLOGICAL TRAINING OF MEDIA JOURNALISTS: Review of textbooks: Sanzhar N., Ruzanova N. Introduction to the theory of cinema media: textbook for universities; Sanzhar N., Rushanova N. Editor of film media: textbook for universities

Vol. 82 No. 2 (2023), REVIEWS
Vol. 82 No. 2 (2023)


How to Cite

Dunaev, V., Кургансая, В., & Абрахматова, Г. (2023). ABOUT PHILOSOPHICAL AND IDEOLOGICAL TRAINING OF MEDIA JOURNALISTS: Review of textbooks: Sanzhar N., Ruzanova N. Introduction to the theory of cinema media: textbook for universities; Sanzhar N., Rushanova N. Editor of film media: textbook for universities. Al-Farabi, 82(2), 146–157.
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Textbooks Sanzhar N., Rushanova N. "Introduction to the theory of cinema-media" and "Editor of cinema-media" are prepared for students and undergraduates of creative faculties of universities in the system of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Both manuals were published in 2022 and have a close correlation between them.

In the first book, the forms of influence of the "culture industry", modern information and communication technologies on people's worldview are shown in a theoretical perspective on a large historical and cultural material, the features of social and communicative strategies in television dramaturgy are considered. In the second book, the authors of the textbook, who have extensive experience working on TV and in film production, share with students practical skills in preparing dramatic products, in particular scripts for mass media, introduce them to the methods and techniques of the editor's work with authors and directors.

Key words: national media-space, journalism, communications, freedom of speech,
philosophical and ideological training